The story of our 3 day journey

We want to thank all those who supported us through donations, prayers and well wishes. We had an amazing time and are excited to share the details of our journey with you all. If you've never read a blog before, read from the bottom up. These are just my ramblings, so if you follow this, when Christine gets home, I think she'll add some of her thoughts as well. If you click "follow" on the right hand side of this page, you will be updated if she posts. Oh, and I am not a talented writer, sorry 'bout that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I walk-Danielle

When I first decided to do the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure walk, I wanted to walk in memory of my mother-in-law, Kathie Hess.  As I walked and talked and trained for the walk, I realized, I was not only motivated by the memory of my wonderful mother-in-law, but by the future of my daughters, my mother, my sister, my aunts, my cousins and my friends.  And for those women who I many never know, but who saw way too few years with their friends and family.  So why do I walk.  I walk in memory of Kathie.  I walk in honor of Emma and Grace.   I walk for more birthdays, more anniversaries, more graduations, more weddings, more celebrations, more victories, more laughter and more tomorrows.  I walk for those who can't, because I can.  And I walk with the hope that someday my girls won't have to.

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